Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Honey and cinnamon acne remedy

« ...You can check with natural health food stores in your area to see what natural treatments they recommend. There may be topical creams that you can use as well as vitamins to take internally....
...Scars tend to be created when pimples are pushed, smashed or broken. They can also occur spontaneously. Regardless of how those acne scars are created, the effect is the same. Simply a painful reminder of the dreaded condition....»
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«...Rose water is the hydrosol portion of the distillate of rose petals, and is used for perfume, as a food flavoring, and is often used in religious ceremonies, either directly, or through incense. It can also be found in many cosmetic products, as it helps to moisten and soothe certain kinds of skin. If you look at many popular moisturizing creams, you'll find it as an ingredient, though normally as an "inactive" one. It will also have the benefit of making your skin's aroma quite pleasant, but that's not what we're after....»
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tags: home remedy face scrubs for acne, acne on face, neck, chest, back, acne solution

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