Monday, August 4, 2008

Homemade medicine on how to rid of acne and acne scar fraxel laser treatment cost

Acne is a skin condition which has plugged pores (blackheads and whiteheads), inflamed pimples (pustules), and deeper lumps (nodules). Acne occurs on the face, as well as the neck, chest, back, shoulders, and upper arms. Although most teenagers get some form of acne, adults in their 20's, 30's, 40's, or even older, can develop acne. Often, acne clears up after several years, even without treatment. Acne can be disfiguring and upsetting to the patient. Untreated acne can leave permanent scars; these may be treated by your dermatologist in the future. To avoid acne scarring, treating acne is important.
To completely cure your acne you will need to be using a treatment that touches on each one of these causes. There are acne products that work as a "system" to treat your acne in this way.
It is a well known fact that men and women have different kinds of skin, and they are often plagued by different kinds of skin problems. However, there are also common skin problems that both sexes encounter, and one of these is acne. Skin care for acne prone men may be slightly different from the women's in a few distinct ways. While women are more prone to acne due the make-up and lotions they put on their faces or skin, men are prone to acne because of the activities that they indulge in, and also certain factors in their environments.
tags: acne pregnancy symptom during what week, natural acne care, heal acne scars fast

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